Sunshine Food 公司位于加拿大爱德华王子岛,总部设在中国。
公司坚持走:以质量求生存,以科技创新求发展,重合同守信用的道路,从国内销售到国外销售,随处可见公司的品牌形象,Sunshine Food 已成为行业内外一个响亮的名字,成为亿万消费者心中优质和信心的保证。我们将以最优质的产品,真诚与各界朋友开展广泛的合作,共同创造一个美好的未来。
Sunshine Food is based in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Its parent company and head quarter is in China.
Sunshine Food is a leading seafood trader from east and west coast of Canada. Its main products are Canadian Pacific sea cucumber, Atlantic cucumaria frondosa, lobster, jade whelk, lumpfish and so on.
Since its establishment, the company has kept in close contact and cooperation with the parent company in China, by combining the Chinese advanced processing technology and the Canadian quality resources together. Applying the most strict technologies in production, we meet our customers’ demand with the best seafood.
Sunshine Food’s business principles are: Product qualities first; Development by innovation of science and technology; Cooperation with partners. In China and abroad, the company's brand name could be seen everywhere. Sunshine Food has become a resounding name in the industry and has been trusted by millions of consumers with its quality seafood. We will keep on carrying out extensive cooperation with friends from all walks of life to create a bright future together with our best products.